MAY 13, 2020

  • Carlo Hauner was born in Brescia, Itália, in 1927. He graduated in technical and artistic design at the Academy of...

    Carlo Hauner's photography published in a magazine, 1955.

    Carlo Hauner was born in Brescia, Itália, in 1927. He graduated in technical and artistic design at the Academy of Brera, Milan. In 1948, in his early twenties, he participated at the Biennale di Venezia (International Architecture Festival), and migrated to Brazil. He got rapidly involved with the social circle of other Italian immigrants that acted artistically in Brazil, such as Lina Bo Bardi, Pietro Maria Bardi, Conde Grasselli, and others.

  • According to a curriculum written by Ernesto Hauner, his brother, Carlo began his career as a designer working at the Estúdio Palma owned by Lina Bo and Giancarlo Palanti, where he specialized in “contemporary furniture design”, as HUGUERTH (2008) affirms. Carlo Hauner also dedicated himself to painting and, according to Pietro Bardi, he had great talent in that field, however, he was more inclined to “industrial design”.

  • Carlos Hauner's paintings published in a Habitat magazine, 1953.
  • In 1956, he left the company Forma and came back to Italy, where he founded the Forma di Brescia, the company that was responsible for the fabrication of furniture designed some years later by his former employee Sergio Rodrigues for the Brazilian embassy there. In February 1995, Carlo Hauner died in Sicily at 69 years of age.

    This text is part of the article “The Sistematization Of Production Of Furniture By The Architects Carlo Hauner And Martin Eisler In The 1950s", written in 2019 by Isabela Milagre.

    Texts and photographs content are part of Bossa Furniture creative production.

    MAY 13, 2020